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Consultant - BELGIQUE
  • (0032) 2 445 46 77
  • Email :
  • Rue Alexandre Markelbach 41, 1030 Schaerbeek

A propos

Madame Salma Harouch est titulaire d’une licence en droit et prépare actuellement un master en droit à l’Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB). Elle travaille et parle en français et en arabe et a déjà acquis une excellente connaissance pratique des affaires grâce à ses anciens postes.

Au sein du cabinet Grisay lawyers & consultants, elle est responsable des relations internationales belgo-arabes.

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    Lourdes GUIVERNAU

    • (0032) 2 445 46 77
    • Email :
    • Plaça Joan Rebull num. 1 Bajos 43202 Reus Tarragona Spain

    About me

    Me Lourdes GUIVERNAU, obtained a law degree in the University of Lleida (Spain) in 1993. She also holds a Master in International trade and a Master in Sports Law. She joined the Tarragona Bar in 1995.

    She works in international private and family law and deals with all issues related to banking law, company law, sports law, real estate law and criminal law in Spain.

    She works in Spanish and English.

    Ms. Guivernau is also president of the Sports Law Commission of the Tarragona Bar Association and is one of the professors of the Master of Access to Law practice at the Rovira i Virgili University of Tarragona.

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      Barbara KOOPS

      • (0032) 2 445 46 77
      • Email :
      • Grand rue, 99 1661 Luxembourg, Luxembourg

      About me

      Me Barbara KOOPS obtained a master’s degree in private law from the University of Strasbourg III. She is a member of the Luxembourg Bar since 1988.

      She is specialized in private international law, civil law, liability law, family and private law.

      Me KOOPS also represents and assists children before Luxembourg courts as ad hoc administrator.

      She works in French and English.

      She is  also a member of « Family Law » Commission of the Luxembourg Bar and an honorary member of the International Association for Young Lawyers (AIJA) since 2010.

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        Frédérique MENEVEAU

        • (0032) 2 445 46 77
        • Email :
        • Grand rue, 99 1661 Luxembourg, Luxembourg

        About me

        Me MENEVEAU holds a DESS in international business law. She is a member of the Luxembourg Bar since 1993 and of the Nancy Bar since 2007.

        After  ten years of practise with a lawyer specialized in appeal procedures, she has set up her own practice.

        Me MENEVEAU is specialized in private international law, commercial law, real estate law, family law (adoption).

        She works in French and English.

        She is also a founding member of the first BNI group created in Lorraine.

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          Camille MASCIOCCHI

          • (0032) 2 445 46 77
          • Email :
          • Grand rue, 99 1661 Luxembourg, Luxembourg

          About me

          Me Camille MASCIOCCHI is a member of the Luxembourg Bar since 2019 and works in the Law Firm Barbara KOOPS.

          She has a Master’s degree in European private law of the University of Luxembourg. She also holds a Certificate of Complementary Training in Luxembourg Law and a Certificate in Accountancy, Business Management issued by the Centre National Privé de Formation à Distance (CNFDI).

          She is specialized in European law, family law, liquidation of matrimonial regimes.

          She works in French and English.

          In addition to her legal profession, she provides services as a legal quality consultant for the editorial team of the State Information Technology Center (CTIE) of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

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            Yadhira STOYANOVITCH

            LAWYER - FRANCE
            • (0032) 2 445 46 77
            • Email :
            • 20 Rue St Vincent de Paul, 75010 Paris – France

            About me

            Me Yadhira STOYANOVITCH is a Doctor of Laws. She holds a DEA in Special Private International Law (International Business and Contracts). She is a graduate of Higher Studies in European and Community Law (European Institute of Advanced International Studies).

            After nearly 10 years of professional experience as a Researcher on the Legal Protection of Biotechnology (Ministry of Research and Higher Education) and a corporate lawyer (Head of the Legal and General Affairs Department of ADEME), she created her firm in 1992 and joined the Paris Bar.

            She is specialized in Business Law and International Contracts, Construction and Real Estate Law, International Family Law, Environmental Law (treatment and disposal of industrial waste) and Energy (energy production, new and renewable energies, self-production and cogeneration).

            She is in charge of training at ESTP (Special School of Public Works and Building) and INSTN (National Institute of Nuclear Sciences and Techniques). She is also an Agent in Real Estate Transactions.

            She is bilingual French-Spanish and fluent in English and Italian.

            Me Yadhira STOYANOVITCH is President of ALTER EGO MEDIATION, ARTHESIS FORMATION, and ITINERANTS SANS FRONTIERE. She is a member of the Office of the Club Business BTP IMMO of Nice.

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              Raymond DESPRES

              • (0032) 2 445 46 77
              • Email :
              • 20 Rue St Vincent de Paul, 75010 Paris – France

              About me

              Mr. Raymond DESPRES is a consultant in labour law and Social Security law.

              After having worked in the Caisse Primaire d’Assurance Maladie, he joined URSSAF in Nice as a Recovery Inspector (qualité d’inspecteur du Recouvrement). After having served as Head of the Communication Department and Group Head, he will be promoted to the post of Inspector « Lutte contre le travail illégal » (LCTI) ».

              He joined the firm in 2013, following the management of a modern slavery case with Me STOYANOVICTH.

              Since this date, he works for the Law firm, where he brings his skills and knowledge in matters of social security contributions and social litigation.

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                Marième DIOP

                LAWYER - FRANCE
                • (0032) 2 445 46 77
                • Email :
                • 20 Rue St Vincent de Paul, 75010 Paris – France

                About me

                Me Marième DIOP has a Doctorate in Law. She has holds a DEA in International Public Action Policies and Strategies.

                Before joigning the Paris Bar in 2011, Me DIOP was Assistant to the Comptroller General of the French Army and, in this context, worked within the International Committee on Crisis Management in Africa at IHEDN in Paris.

                Her particular skills are business law and international contracts, commercial leases, but also labour law and right of foreigners.

                She works in French, Wolof and Arabic.

                Me DIOP is also a lecturer in Polemological and Strategic Studies, History of International Systems, International Organisations and Multilateralism, International Relations at the University of Jean Moulin Lyon 3.

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                  Fatiha MEZIANI

                  LAWYER - FRANCE
                  • (0032) 2 445 46 77
                  • Email :
                  • 20 Rue St Vincent de Paul, 75010 Paris – France

                  About me

                  Me Fatiha MEZIANI is member of the Paris Bar since 2004.

                  She has a Master in General Private Law from the University Sorbonne Paris Cité.

                  Me. MEZIANI is specialized in general criminal law, business criminal law, and traffic law.

                  She works in French, Kabyle and practices English and German.

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                    Emmanuelle DA COSTA

                    LAWYER - FRANCE
                    • (0032) 2 445 46 77
                    • Email :
                    • 20 Rue St Vincent de Paul, 75010 Paris – France

                    About me

                    Me Emmanuel DA COSTA is a member of the Paris Bar since 2009.

                    She holds a Master in Private Law and Criminal Sciences from the Université des Sciences criminelles.

                    Me DA COSTA is specialized in right of foreigners, asylum litigation, criminal law and family law.

                    She works in French, Portuguese and English.

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