Marième DIOP

Marième DIOP

  • (0032) 2 445 46 77
  • Email :
  • 20 Rue St Vincent de Paul, 75010 Paris – France

About me

Me Marième DIOP has a Doctorate in Law. She has holds a DEA in International Public Action Policies and Strategies.

Before joigning the Paris Bar in 2011, Me DIOP was Assistant to the Comptroller General of the French Army and, in this context, worked within the International Committee on Crisis Management in Africa at IHEDN in Paris.

Her particular skills are business law and international contracts, commercial leases, but also labour law and right of foreigners.

She works in French, Wolof and Arabic.

Me DIOP is also a lecturer in Polemological and Strategic Studies, History of International Systems, International Organisations and Multilateralism, International Relations at the University of Jean Moulin Lyon 3.

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